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Iwb Kydex Holsters
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Owb Kydex Holsters
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Gun Model
Canik Mete MC9
Canik Mete MC9 L
Canik Mete MC9 LS
Canik Mete MC9 7sub
Canik Mete MC9 L 7sub (+$10.00)
Canik Mete MC9 Ls 7sub
Canik tp9sfx//TTI
Canik Sft
Canik Tp9 sc
Canik tp9sf
Canik tp9sfx
Canik sfx Rival
Canik tp9sfx/Rival/TTI x300 (+$10.00)
Canik tp9sfx/Rival/TTI Tlr1/HL (+$10.00)
CZ Shadow 2 Compact
CZ Shadow 2 Compact tlr7a/7x (+$10.00)
CZ Shadow 2 Compact TLR7Hlx (+$10.00)
Cz Shadow 2 Compact X300 (+$10.00)
Cz Shadow 2 Compact Tlr1/HL (+$10.00)
CZ Shadow 2
Cz Shadow 2 Tlr1/HL (+$10.00)
Cz Shadow 2 X300 (+$10.00)
CzP07 Tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
CzP07 tlr7/8 (+$10.00)
CZ p10f
Czp10f tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
CZ P10F/C x300 (+$10.00)
Czp10c tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
CZ P10c TLR7HLX (+$10.00)
Czp10c tlr7/7a/7x (+$10.00)
CZ P10c tlr8
Cz Shadow 2
Shadow 2 Compact
Fn 509c
FN 509c tlr7/8 (+$10.00)
FN 509c tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
FN LS Edge
FN Reflex
FN Reflex tlr7sub (glock model works best) (+$10.00)
FN Tactical 45 W tlr1/HL (+$10.00)
FN 509 (midsize-4inch barrel) tlr1/HL (+$10.00)
Glock 17 gen5
Glock 17/22
Glock 17/22 pl mini2 (+$10.00)
Glock 17/22/47Holosun PID (+$10.00)
Glock 17/22 pl pro (+$10.00)
Glock 17/22 tlr6 (+$10.00)
Glock 17/22 tlr7/8 (+$10.00)
Glock 17/22 Tlr7HLX (+$10.00)
Glock 17/22/47 tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
Glock 17/22/47 x300ua/b (+$10.00)
Glock 19/23/ gen 1-4
Glock 19/19x/23/44/45 Gen(5)
Glock 19/23/ aplc (+$10.00)
Glock 19/23 plmini (+$10.00)
Glock 19/23/ tlr7/7a/7x (+$10.00)
Glock 19/23/45 TLR7HLX (+$10.00)
Glock 19/23/ tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
Glock 19/23/45 Holosun PID (+$10.00)
Glock 19/23/x300ua/b (+$10.00)
Glock 20/21 gen 4
Glock 20/21 tlr1/hl gen 4 (+$10.00)
Glock 30/21 x300ua/b gen 4 (+$10.00)
Glock 20/21 tlr8 gen 4 (+$1.00)
Glock 26/27
Glock 29/30
Glock 29/30 tlr8 (+$10.00)
Glock 34
Glock 34 tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
Glock 34x 300ua/b (+$10.00)
Glock 34tlr8 (+$10.00)
Glock 42
Glock 43
Glock 43x
Glock 43x tlr7sub (+$10.00)
Glock 43 tlr6 (+$10.00)
Glock 48
Glock 48 tlr7sub (+$10.00)
Glock 48 tlr6 (+$10.00)
Hellcat pro
Hellcat tlr7sub (+$10.00)
Hellcat Pro Tlr7/7a/7x (+$10.00)
Hk Vp9
HK Vp9 tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
HK Vp9 tlr7/7a/7x (+$10.00)
Icarus ( 365xl/Macro grip)
Icarus/Icarus air/365xl/Xmacro Foxtrot1/2 (+$10.00)
Icarus/Icarus air/ 365xl/Xmacro tlr7sub (1913) (+$10.00)
IcarusIcarus air/365xl/Xmacro tlr7/7a/7x (+$10.00)
Icarus/Icarus air/ 365xl/Xmacro tlr7hlx (+$10.00)
Icarus (Air) polymer frame
Military Armament Mac 9 DS
Military Armament Mac 9 DS Tlr7/7a (+$10.00)
Military Armament Mac 9 DS Tlr1/HL (+$10.00)
Military Armament Mac 9 DS x300 (+$10.00)
MP 4.25 gen1
MP 2.0 4inch
Mp 4.25 tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
MP 5inch
MP 4.25 Tlr7/7a/7x (+$10.00)
MP 4 inch Tlr7/7a (+$10.00)
Mp 3.1 shield 9/40
MP 3.1 shield9/40 plus
MP Shield EZ380
Mp Shield EZ 9
MP shield 3.1 tlr6 (+$10.00)
Shadow Systems Cr920xp tlr7sub(GL) (+$10.00)
Shadow Systems Cr920xp
Springfield Echelon 4.0 Compact
Springfield Echelon 4.0 Compact TLr7a/7x (+$10.00)
Springfield Echelon 4.0 Compact TLr7hlx (+$10.00)
Springfield Echelon 4.0 Compact TLr1 (+$10.00)
Springfield Echelon 4.0 Compact x300 (+$10.00)
Springfield Echelon
Springfield Echelon tlr7/7a/7x (+$10.00)
Springfield Echelon PID (+$10.00)
Springfield Echelon tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
Springfield Echelon x300ua/b (+$10.00)
Springfield Echelon TLr7HLX (+$10.00)
Springfield Prodigy 4.25
Springfield Prodigy 5 inch x300 with gas pedal must email (+$20.00)
Staccato P/Prodigy 5inch
Staccato c2/Prodigy 4.25 x300ua/b (+$10.00)
Staccato c2/Prodigy 4.25 tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
Staccato c2/Prodigy 4.25 pid (+$10.00)
Staccato c2/Prodigy 4.25 tlr7/7a/7x (+$10.00)
Staccato c2/Prodigy TLR7HLX (+$10.00)
Staccato P/Prodigy 5inch tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
Staccato P/Prodigy 5inch Pid (+$10.00)
Staccato P/Prodigy 5inch x300ua/b (+$10.00)
Stacatto Cs tlr7sub (+$10.00)
PSA Dagger Compact tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
Psa Dagger compact
PSA Dagger compact x300 (+$10.00)
PSA Dagger TLR7HLX (+$10.00)
PSA Dagger compacttlr7/7a/7x (+$10.00)
PSA Dagger Micro MC-1 (43 length)
PSA Dagger Micro MC-1 Tlr7sub (43 length) (+$10.00)
PSA Dagger Micro X-1(48 length)
PSA Dagger Micro X-1 Tlr7sub(48 length) (+$10.00)
Ruger Lc 380/9/9s
Sig 226
Sig 226 TLR 1/HL (+$10.00)
Sig 226 X300u a/b (+$10.00)
Sig 226 Tlr1/HL gas pedal (+$15.00)
Sig 226 X5 Legion
Sig 226 X5 Legion Tlr1/HL (+$10.00)
Sig 226 X5 Legion X300u a/b (+$10.00)
Sig 229
Sig 229 tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
Sig P322
Sig M17/320 FS
Sig M17/320 Full Size with gas pedal (+$10.00)
Sig M17/320 Fullsize with tlr1/HL and gas pedal (+$20.00)
Sig 320/AXG/Xten/ X5/X5 Legion/Spectre comp
Sig 320Xten/X5/X5 Legion /Spectre comp Tlr1/HL (+$10.00)
Sig 320Xten/X5/X5 Legion /Spectre comp X300 (+$10.00)
Sig M17/320 tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
Sig M17/320 tlr7/8 (+$10.00)
Sig M18/320c/x carry
Sig M18/320c/x carry tlr7/8 (+$10.00)
Sig M18/320c/x carry tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
Sig 365/365x
Sig 365 Fuse (will be open bottom)
Sig 365 Fuse (will be open bottom) Tlr7hlx (+$10.00)
Sig 365 Fuse (will be open bottom) Tlr7/7a/7x (+$10.00)
Sig 365 Fuse (will be open bottom) tlr7sub 1913 version (+$10.00)
Sig 365 Fuse (will be open bottom) Foxtrot1/2/2r (+$10.00)
Sig 365 XL
Sig 365XL Tlr7sub (+$10.00)
Sig 365X Macro
Sig 365 Macro ( LEGION ) foxtrot1/2/2r (+$10.00)
Sig 365 Xmacro/Tacops
Sig x Macro ( LEGION )
Sig 365 Macro ( LEGION ) Tlr7/7a/7x (+$10.00)
Sig 365 axg macro legion Tlr7HLX (+$10.00)
Sig 365 (Legion) tlr7sub #4 key works well (+$10.00)
Sig 365 (Legion) tlr7sub td pro ledge (+$20.00)
Sig365 xmacro plmini2 (+$10.00)
Sig 365 xmacro/tacops tlr7/7a/7x (+$10.00)
Sig Macro/Tacops TLR7HLX (+$10.00)
Sig 365 xmacro/tacops tlr7sub (+$10.00)
Sig X Macro/Tacops Tlr7sub Pro ledge (right hand Only) (+$20.00)
Sig 365 xmacro tlr8sub (+$10.00)
Sig 365 xmacro foxtrot 2/2R (+$10.00)
Taurus g2/3c
Taurus G4
Taurus G4xl
Taurus TX 22
1911 5inch
1911 5 inch railed
1911 5 inch tlr1/hl (+$10.00)
1911 5 inch Olight PL3 (+$10.00)
1911 5 inch x300 (+$10.00)
Stealth Arms PLatypus 5.0 (sq Guard)
Stealth Arms PLatypus 4.25 (sq guard)
Stealth Arms PLatypus 4.25 TLR1/HL (+$10.00)
Stealth Arms PLatypus 5.0 TLR1/HL (+$10.00)
Stealth Arms PLatypus 4.25 PID (+$10.00)
Stealth Arms PLatypus 5.0 PID (+$10.00)
Stealth Arms PLatypus 4.25 tlr7a/7x (+$10.00)
Stealth Arms Platypus TLR7HLX (+$10.00)
Stealth Arms PLatypus 4.25 X300u a/b (+$10.00)
Stealth Arms PLatypus 5.0 X300u a/b (+$10.00)
Walther PDP 5inch polymer frame
Walther Pdp 4.5 polymer frame
Walther PDP 4.0 polymer frame
Walther PDP X300u a/b 4.5/5 polmer frame (+$10.00)
Walther PDP TLR1/HL 4.5/5 polymer frame (+$10.00)
Ruger RXM tlr1/HL (+$10.00)
Ruger RXM tlr7a/7x (+$10.00)
Ruger RXM tlr7hlx (+$10.00)
Ruger RXM x300 (+$10.00)
Belt Clip Style
Belt Clip Style
None ( means u are only selecting a holster drop below)
Paddle (+$10.00)
Tek-lok (+$15.00)
Belt slide (accommodates 1.5 and 1.75 belts) (+$20.00)
Safariland QLS System (Male & Female) (+$40.00)
Safariland QLS (Male Fork Only) (+$25.00)
Holster Drilled and Blocked only For a QLS Fork (+$10.00)
Blade tek mount system (large) (+$40.00)
Blade tek mount system (small) (+$40.00)
Blade tek mount disc only (small) (+$15.00)
Blade tek mount disc only (large) (+$15.00)
Rti Hanger ready 34 (not included) (+$10.00)
Rti hanger ready 33 ( not included) (+$10.00)
Rti hanger ready 35 (not included) (+$10.00)
Rti hanger ready 39 (not included) (+$10.00)
Blocked and ready for a tek lok (+$10.00)
Holster drop
Mid Drop (+$30.00)
Mid Drop With leg strap (+$40.00)
Thigh Rig (+$70.00)
Threaded Barrel
Threaded Barrel
Cut end even with slide for aftermarket comp (+$10.00)
Colors and Patterns
Colored Finish Washers
Colored Finish Washers
Green (+$5.00)
Blue (+$5.00)
Gold (+$5.00)
Black (+$5.00)
Bronze (+$5.00)
Purple (+$5.00)
Orange (+$5.00)
Red (+$5.00)
Copper (new) (+$5.00)
yes, i understand there are no returns/refunds on wrongly ordered gun/light holsters
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All holsters are made from .08 kydex.
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